

"If success was easy; everyone would do it!"

Being an Entrepreneur and CEO requires a commitment that has caused many to back away and settle for less than they deserve. But for those who go for it and give 100%, the rewards are oh, so sweet!

Being a Soul Purpose CEO is a life choice.
A CEO makes a decision to focus on the possibilities rather than potential obstacles that may stand in the way.  They see the nominal investment of $499.99 as access to an incredible lifestyle.  CEOs are eligible for all 12 ways to get paid in the Soul Purpose Youngevity Compensation Plan, 5 of which are exclusive to those who are CEO Qualified.

I call them the #5GOLDENDOORS!
1.  Silver Mercedes Car Bonus
2.  Luxury Car Program (you get the keys & title)
3.  Global Revenue Sharing Pool
4.  Stock Options
5.  Infinity Coding Bonuses

But seeing is believing, right? Check it out to SEE THE MONEY FOR YOURSELF!

Download the presentation CLICK HERE.
Access the accompanying audio recording online. CLICK HERE. (Allow a few seconds to download.)

   OPTION:  Listen to the recording by dialing 712-432-8984, code 47685#   Filename 011514#

Once you view it, study it and decide that you deserve everything this program offers, SHARE IT!

Download the presentation to your tablet or smart phone to view in small group settings of 2 or 3 while playing the recording on speaker phone.


  1. Going CEO is truly the BEST WAY to GO, for such a small investment you can help fund your GREATEST Dreams!! do you need College tuition, more money to do fun things with Family, traveling and REALLY Discovering Who YOU TRULY are. Speak to your Higher self, What do you dream of? Are you truly satisfied with just going to work and then back home? There is so much more inside of you, You may have been praying for an answer......and this may be the answer. My Friend, its up to you to Find your Soul Purpose, and it's up to us to help you find it! for more info check out more here.

  2. Go CEO and watch your PayChecks GROW!!!

  3. When you Invest in your Business as a CEO, it's like getting an income tax check every month!! Absolute Best way to go!!
