
Friday, May 17, 2013


 I am hopeful, excited and prayerful that we will have a large, joyful Soul Purpose presence in CANCUN this November.  To assist the community in recruiting, I’ve decided to host daily CEO CALLS.  If you do the work to introduce them to SOUL PURPOSE and get “qualified” prospects on the call…I’ll help you position the opportunity and the power of getting started with the CEO PAK. 

1st CALL – SATURDAY, MAY 18TH @ 1:30pm ET

When:  Monday – Saturday
Time:  1:30pm ET
Duration:  ONLY 10-15 MINUTES
Call number:  712-432-8904, 47685#

Call format: 
3-way your prospects onto the call and introduce them!

·        Energetic Introductions (2 min)
·        Position the CEO Opportunity (3 mins - Cheryl)
·        Questions (3 mins)
·        Welcome New CEOs (2 mins)

Use the following questions to pre-qualify your prospect to make sure Soul Purpose is RIGHT for them and they are RIGHT for Soul Purpose. 

1.       What are your primary goals? (for Career, Family, Interests, Financial Freedom, Freedom of Time)

2.       Ask “on a scale of 1-10, how hard are you willing to work to make your dreams come true?”

3.       Have you ever done direct sales or network marketing before?

4.       Are you coachable…willing to learn and follow the Soul Purpose process for success?

5.       Given the option, would you rather be rich or right?

6.       If I can show you how to build a $5,000 monthly check, are you willing to pay it forward by showing 3 other people how to build their $5,000 check?

7.       Do you find the idea of helping people and make $$$ in the process exciting?

8.       Once you sign up, I’m going to ask you to provide me with a list of the first 20 people you will introduce to Soul Purpose.  We’re going to start with that list to build your business.  I don’t need the list now but can you think of at least 20 people you believe would appreciate our products and/or be interested in building a $5000 check for themselves?

9.       When you want to achieve something, do you:  1) work hard to make it happen, 2) easily give up when you encounter an obstacle, 3) rethink what you want based on the opinion of others, or 4) just dream about it but never take action?

10.   Within your family, circle of friends and other associates, would you be considered a leader?

11.   Do you routinely share things that you like with others?

12.   Would you consider yourself a natural networker?  You enjoy meeting new people and putting people together who can help each other?

13.   Are you ready to be the CEO of your own wealth-building empire.


WOULD YOU LIKE TO LEAD A CALL?  All CEO QUALIFIED LEADERS have an open invitation to help host a CEO WELCOME CALL, please send me an email so we can discuss adding you into the rotation.  We’re doing the calls through the end of June, so I should be able to accommodate everyone with at least one hosting opportunity. 


I’m excited and looking forward to a bursting of new CEOs within the Soul Purpose community!  Hear you on the calls and see you in CANCUN!
With your success in mind,

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