To support you in hosting your own GO RED FOR WOMEN events throughout the month of February, please click here to download flyers which you can personalize and use to promote your event.
Wear RED all day long!
Share the website GOREDFORWOMEN.ORG with every woman that you know!
Join the social media chat on Friday, February 7th using the #GOREDWITHSOULPURPOSE!
Promote GO RED and Armenian Pomegranate at all events throughout the month!
* Heart disease is the #1 KILLER of women in the United States and it claims more lives than all cancers combined.
* Every 60 seconds another woman dies from heart disease. That means at least 1 has passed since you began reading this post.
Making an impact!
This coming National Wear Red Day, Feb. 7, 2014, marks the campaign's 11-year anniversary and looking back much has been accomplished. They include:
- 21 percent fewer women dying from heart disease
- 23 percent more women aware that it’s their No. 1 health threat
- Publishing of gender-specific results, established differences in symptoms and responses to medications, and women-specific guidelines for prevention and treatment
- Legislation to help end gender disparities
Download FREE GO RED RESOURCES AND TOOLS to support your event.
It's not letting me download the flyer. Am I doing something wrong? When I click on the link, it says that access is forbidden.
ReplyDeleteI responded to Jill on Facebook, but wanted to make sure everyone else was able to download the flyer. A simple tweak of the link on my part and all was well. Please let me know if you are having any problems with the file.